
EK Soch Nai Soch NGO (India’s Best NGO)




Transforming Ward No. 10: A New Vision for a Better Community

Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO – Jagadhari Yamunanagar Municipal Corporation to adopt Ward No. 10 by India’s Best NGO gave memorandum to the Respected Mayor Mr. Madan Chauhan Ji
Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO believes that more than half of the country’s problems will end on the day people become mentally clean
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Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO Ward No. 10 Ward’s Mandriyakarn, Organizing awareness program to solve the problems spread in the society, Providing modern education system to promising and needy students, providing health services, arranging local transportation for small shopkeepers and general public, the centriarch of the Yamuna River, Setting up call centers, arranging skill development training to provide employment opportunities to youth, opening day boarding institutes for girls from elderly and working families, Youth Enjoyment, It is our objective to make priority work for organizing indoor and out door programs for entertainment
Every job requires money Ek Soch Nai Soch has been making the general public aware since 2015 that Yamunanagar district has a population of 15 lakhs and all civil servants Donate Rs 100-100 also, then every month Rs 15 crore is spent and this money should be spent properly and honestly and the general public contributes properly So we can make a ward as the best ward in India within 2 years and now Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO by Income Tax Department 80G Certificate has been received and competent and capable city dwellers should support this virtuous work
On this occasion, Mr. Mayer Madan Chauhan ji committed to give every possible support to this effort of a thinking new thinking institution, he said that only change in society comes Is when everyone supports working in the right direction all Mandiro, Mosjido, Gurudwaras, Churches, Derro, Social, Business institutions and Klabo should strive to make their city the most beautiful city in India
On this occasion, AGM YR Johar Ji from Haryana State Roadways former Principal Harinarayan Ji and Bank of Baroda were present on this occasion
Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO

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